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Client Retention Solutions that transform your business

After years of personal and professional experience, we have learned the importance of retaining clients. You work hard to acquire the client in the first place. How much more profit would you have if you were able to have repeat business and referrals from an existing client base.

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Why Focus on Client Retention

Acquiring new clients can be significantly more expensive than retaining existing ones. Studies have shown that it can cost five to twenty-five times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one.

Existing clients often have a higher lifetime value because they are more likely to make repeat purchases and spend more over time.

Building long-term relationships with clients fosters trust and loyalty, making them more likely to stay with your business even in a competitive market.

A stable client base provides a buffer against market fluctuations and economic downturns, ensuring more consistent revenue and growth.

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Prebuilt Plan

Receive expert tips for getting started, a plan outline, and helpful follow-up links.

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1 on 1 coaching session and a personalized plan of action.

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Hire Us to Do it For You

You are busy running a business. You know that client retention is important but you are focused on new growth. You need someone to do it for you but maybe don’t want to hire someone full time. Let us help.

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Say goodbye to lost clients and hello to long-term loyalty with Client Accord's retention service - where customer satisfaction and business success meet.

Let's work together!

Book a free consultation.

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